10 research outputs found

    Adjustment of Rotating Seat Pedestal for Manufacturing

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    The initial design of a rotating seat pedestal contains sheet metal parts and features. The design of sheet metal parts with sheet metal features usually requires adjustment for manufacturing. In this paper we present adjustment of the rotating seat pedestal model performed in a bachelor thesis. The pedestal adjustment is carried out according to the basic manufacturing demands. During the adjustment of the model we faced some restrictions of the software used for the sheet metal modelling regarding the manufacturing demands and we presented them in this paper

    Optimizacija alata zaštitne kadice za proizvodnju i sklapanje

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    Many tools for metal forming manufacturing are made by copying similar tools with only minimum adaptation regarding the new product. Since such tools are not optimized for manufacture and assembly, it provides a variety of topics for bachelor theses for candidates at the mechanical engineering faculties. In this paper, the optimization of the metal forming tool for protecting wall regarding manufacture and assembly, performed in a bachelor thesis is presented. The optimization is based on approaches known as Design for Assembly and Design for Manufacture. The resulting tool model shows that there is enough space for improvement that can be done and that considered design approaches could be a source for several new interesting bachelor theses.Mnogi alati za oblikovanje metala deformiranjem su rađeni na osnovi sličnih prethodnih alata i uz minimalne izmjene koje zahtjeva novi proizvod. Kako takvi alati nisu optimizirani za proizvodnju i sklapanje, predstavljaju dobar izvor tema za diplomske radove na strojarskim fakultetima. U ovom se radu predstavlja optimizacija alata zaštitne kadice za proizvodnju i sklapanje izvedenu u diplomskom radu. Optimizacija je utemeljena na pristupima poznatim kao "Dizajn za sklapanje" i "Dizajn za proizvodnju". Model izmijenjenog alata pokazuje kako ima dovoljno mjesta za poboljšanja i kako korišteni pristupi mogu biti izvor za brojne zanimljive diplomskih radove

    Additive Manufacturing of Medical Models - Applications in Rhinology

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    In the paper we are introducing guidelines and suggestions for use of 3D image processing SW in head pathology diagnostic and procedures for obtaining physical medical model by additive manufacturing/rapid prototyping techniques, bearing in mind the improvement of surgery performance, its maximum security and faster postoperative recovery of patients. This approach has been verified in two case reports. In the treatment we used intelligent classifier-schemes for abnormal patterns using computer-based system for 3D-virtual and endoscopic assistance in rhinology, with appropriate visualization of anatomy and pathology within the nose, paranasal sinuses, and scull base area

    Podrška procesu razvoja proizvoda kroz ERP sustav

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    The primary result of system integration for users in an enterprise should be an easier utilization of system. To support product development process through the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system in small and midsize manufacturing companies we considered integration of selected Product Data Management (PDM) functions. We developed suitable information models and made prototype implementation of models into the considered ERP system: ERPINS-M. Prototype implementation was then estimated according to the previously published metrics and compared with the ERP system before implementation. The proposed model could provide sufficient and well integrated support for product development process.Osnovni rezultat integracije sustava za korisnika u poduzeću bi trebao biti lakša uporaba sustava. U cilju podrške procesu razvoja proizvoda u malim i srednjim proizvodnim tvrtkama, razmotrili smo integraciju probranih funkcija za upravljanje proizvodnim podacima. Razvili smo prikladni informacijski model i izvršili prototipnu implementaciju modela u odabrani ERP sustav: ERPINS-M. Prototipna implementacija je potom procijenjena sukladno prethodno objavljenim smjernicama i uspoređena s ERP sustavom prije implementacije. Predloženi model može pružiti dostatnu i dobro integriranu podršku procesu razvoja proizvoda

    A New Approach to the Design of a CNC Machine for Making Orthotic Moulds

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    This paper is about defining a different novel concept of a simple machine for producing spinal orthosis moulds. Should such a machine be developed, the required functionality with a special emphasis on low price is to be achieved. The paper considers the issues regarding the kinematics and feasibility confirmation as related to the concept. A CAD model made for the purpose of simulation and activities related to the software development for generating tool trajectories along with the belonging kinematics and trajectory visualization were carried out